African Media Program
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Bibliography of African Cinema, Film, and Video Studies

There is a rich and growing scholarly literature on African produced cinema, film and video. The accompanying bibliography is representative and not comprehensive. It includes books and scholarly articles that are pan African in focus in addition to studies of cinema, film and video in specific African countries.

The Bibliography of African Cinema, Film, and Video Studies

Recommended Curriculum Resources

In addition to the on-line database, the African Media Program, in conjunction with the African Studies Center, is providing curricular workshops for college faculty that focus on incorporating high quality film and video on Africa into undergraduate general education courses and in introductory level courses in the humanities, social sciences, environmental studies (social and biological sciences), and foreign language instruction. A series of four workshops are being held between 1997 and 1999.

African Film and Video in the Arts and Humanities Curriculum Workshop
Michigan State University, November 6 - 8, 1997

This workshop aimed to strengthen and improve undergraduate instruction by providing college faculty with methods and strategies for incorporating high quality film and video on Africa into undergraduate general education courses and introductory?level courses in the arts and humanities.

Curricular Guide for African Film and Video in the Arts and Humanities Curriculum
Workshop Program

African Film and Video for Teaching French, English, and Swahili Language and Literature Workshop
Xavier University, New Orleans, March 12 - 14, 1998

This workshop aimed to strengthen and improve undergraduate instruction by providing college and university faculty with methods and strategies for incorporating high quality African film and video into undergraduate French, English, and Swahili language and literature instruction at all levels.

Curricular Guide for Teaching French Language and Literature
Curricular Guide for Teaching English Language and Literature
Curricular Guide for Teaching Swahili Language and Literature
Workshop Program

Using African Film and Video to Teach about the Environment Workshop
Michigan State University, February 4 - 6, 1999

This workshop aimed to enhance social science, natural science, and humanities undergraduate courses that teach about the African environment, by encouraging the use of film and video images that are accurate representations of Africans and Africa and that challenge the conventional concept of the African environment.

Curricular Guide for Using African Film and Video to Teach about the Environment in the Social Sciences, Natural Science and Humanities Curriculum
Workshop Program

Teaching the Social Sciences (Politics, Gender, and the Family) with African Film and Video Workshop
Atlanta University Center, October 7 - 9, 1999

This workshop aimed to strengthen and improve undergraduate instruction by providing college faculty with methods and strategies for incorporating high quality film and video on Africa into undergraduate general education courses and introductory level courses in the social sciences.

Curricular Guide for Teaching the Social Sciences with African Films and Video
Workshop Program

Curricular Guides

To accompany and support the workshops, the AMP is producing curriculum guides for classroom use of subject-specific film specifically to infuse an international and African content into undergraduate courses. These guides, prepared for each workshop, contain information related to African film and video, pedagogy of using film and video, suggested film and video titles with critiques and distribution information, related web sites, and teaching materials.


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